About Project
Dorothy is funded under the EU 7th F P: FP7 Capacities Programme
– Action “Transnational cooperation between regional research-driven
clusters” Coordination and Support Action (CSA) Dorothy:
- 25 partners from 4 States (Italy, Portugal, Spain, Romania)
- Contract entry in force : 1/7/2013 ( contract ends 30/6/2016)
- 423 person months over the 3 project years
Project objectives
The project aime is to improve the research and the innovation
potential of the involved Regions, having as a specific subject
the Urban Logistic in its different
The main actors are:
- Industrial companies;
- Public administrations;
- Universities.
In particular the objectives are:
- The creation /consolidation of thematic research clusters
focused on Urban Logistic within each of the Regions involved
in Dorothy Project;
- The definition of a Joint Action Plan (JAP) for Research
and Innovation in each Region
- The integration of the JAP within the framework of the
overall Regional policy for Research and Innovation and
the definition of the funding policies for the JAP
- The set up of a cooperation framework on the basis of
the JAP among the involved partners and/or the Regional
- The enhancement of the capabilities of the companies
toward internationalization.