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  1. Following the request of the participants in SNM’08 seminar, the new deadline for submitting the papers has been postponed for the 25th of August, 2008.
  2. Considering the suggestion of Prof. Marco Ceccarelli, the president of IFToMM, we link our initiative with IFToMM. The results of the third National Seminar on Mechanisms SNM’08 will be made known at the non-linear oscillation Technical Committee (NO TC) meeting on the occasion of the conference DSTA2009, which is being held in Łodż in December 2009; thus, SNM’08 activities will be presented in the NO TC report.
    Chairmen of some IFToMM committees have been invited to the seminar, and now we are waiting for their confirmation.
  3. Taking into account the link with IFToMM and the importance of the theme of the seminar, the organisers of the seminar propose a post-seminar multi-authored book edited by a Publishing House abroad, provided that the number of papers in English allow it.
  4. We kindly invite the participants in the seminar to complete the Registration Form on the site(http://mecanica.ucv.ro/snm08).
  5. The papers are not to exceed 12 pages and first authors should not send more than two papers.
  6. The papers will be revised by the Scientific Committee of the Seminar which will be composed of the presidents of ARoTMM branches and members proposed from each ARoTMM branch.
  7. As a result of the discussions during the second National Seminar on Mechanisms, SNM’07, which was held in Cluj-Napoca on 19-20 April, 2007, regarding a better exchange of information among the ARoTMM members, we propose a database with all the books of mechanisms by authors from the Romanian universities. Information will be published in Proceedings or separately.
    For this reason, we ask you to send the list of books with the following data: author, title of the book, publishing house, town, year of apparition, ISBN, number of pages, at the e-mail address simonamarianac@yahoo.com.
  8. 8. The seminar is being held in the Aula “Alexandru Buia” of the Agriculture Faculty (Libertăţii Street 19, Craiova, Romania) at the University of Craiova.
    9.  Information about hotel reservation in the period 9-11 September 2008, in Craiova, is available on the site at the Accommodation entry. You can make the reservation yourselves (see the web site addresses) or you can have it made by the organisers. If you choose the second option, please complete The Confirmation of participation form until the 23rd of July, 2008 and transfer the fee equivalent to 50% of the price for accommodation at the chosen hotel to the following account:

    Account Name: Raiffeisen Bank
    Agency: Oltenia
    Address of the bank agency: Bl. A14-A15 Calea Bucuresti, 200512 Craiova, Dolj, Romania
    Swift: RZBR ROBU
    IBAN code of the Beneficiary’s account:
    RO67 RZBR 0000 0600 0889 3796
    Account holder: Simona-Mariana Cretu, 6 Vaslui St., 200360 Craiova Dolj, Romania
    With postscript: “The 3rd National Seminar on Mechanisms SNM’08+The participant’s name”

    10. The gala dinner is offered by the organisers to all the participants at the National Seminar on Mechanisms, SNM’08, on 10 September 2008.

Prof. Dr. Eng. Nicolae DUMITRU
University of Craiova
Faculty of Mechanics

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