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Dear Colegs,

The University from Craiova, Mechanical Faculty, Autovehicles Department, organise under SIAR, EAEC, FISITA, and SAE International patronage at city Craiova the International Congress SMAT 2008 in the period 23-25 october 2008.
The Congress is self proposing to organise actions fated to promote and to facilitate the approaching and the adopting of new ways and strategy regarding scientific research in the domain of road autovehicles,agricultural machinery and materials. Such a congress polarize grand personalities from business and academic comunities from Romania, European Comunity and the wide world, which in progress of the congress will debate the scientific papers of the research fields, emphasizing on the collaboration between the academical environments meeting to the congress.
In this context, we invite you to participate at the SMAT 2008 Congress with the request to analyse the proposed domains thematic and to express the option of the interested scientific field.



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University of Craiova - Faculty of Mechanics