This year 47th anniversary since fonded    

About Faculty

We are UCv

Short history:

In 1977, based on Enactment of State Council no. 207, it was founded the Faculty of Mechanics from Craiova with the following specializations: Machines Building Technology, Machine Tools, Civil Engineering and Equipments for Civil Engineering.

Continuing the tradition of higher education in technical field from Craiova, (Faculty of Agriculture Mechanization from Craiova, Enactment 175 / 1948) in 1990 were founded the specializations: Road Vehicles, Machines and Instalation for Agriculture.

Also from 1992 were promoted new specialization such us: Economical Engineering in Mechanical Field, Science of Materials, Applied Mechanics. As a reaction to the actual trends in 2005 was founded the specialization Transport Engineering and Traffic.

The structure of modules and curricula ensures the preparation of young high school graduates to be engineers, under the programmes of bachelor, along 4 years. For the bachelor graduates we offer masterate courses along 2 years.

The Faculty of Mechanics has initiated from 2005 the doctorate studies inside the "Academician Radu Voinea" Doctoral School.
The doctorate in engineering field it is a scientific doctorate with two approaches: permanent attend (with financing from central budget or with fees), and ocasional attend (with fees).

      Central hall -    Commemorative plaque
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Vitraliu Central Hall - stained glass
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